How to View Company Approval Insight on Mekari Sign

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Zendesk Admin
  • Updated

In addition to Company Signing, on the Insight menu, you can also see insights from the approvals you have set. This serves as a monitoring page for you to track your Mekari Sign usage, which includes the document approval function. Here are the steps.

  1. Go to the Insight menu.
  2. Then click the “Approval” tab.
  3. Next, at the top, you can see the following filters and information.

    No Column Explanation
    1 All document types Select the type of document you want to view insights for.
    2 Select date Select the year of period you want to view.
    3 Approval rate Percentage of average documents that have been approved.
    4 Rejection rate Percentage of average documents rejected.
    5 Average document waiting time Average waiting time for documents to be approved.
  4. On each insight type, there is a “Download” button that you can use to download it in .csv format.

A. Approval overview

It displays the overall insight of the approved documents.

  1. You can check Show document type to display the type of document that is approved.
  2. You can also select the All document types filter to display insights based on specific document types.
  3. Hover over any of the charts, and you can see the total documents/document types (if Show document type is checked) approved in that period.

B. Rejection overview

It displays insights from all rejected documents.

  1. You can check Show document type to display the type of document that was rejected.
  2. You can also select the All document types filter to display insights based on specific document types.
  3. You can also see the total number of documents rejected, the average time it took for recipients to reject the insight along with the percentage of rejections that have been made during that period.
  4. Hover over any of the charts, and you can see the total documents/document types (if Show document type is checked) approved in that period.

C. Approval time by user

Next, you can see insights that contain the time needed for each user to approve documents.

  1. The data is presented in a table, where the top shows the time indicator, and the numbers in each column show the total documents approved by the user.
  2. In the final column, you can see the average time it took for a particular user to approve a document.

D. Rejection reason

Contains insights into the reasons why users refuse to approve documents.

  1. At the top, you can search by keyword for the reason for rejection.
  2. And you can see the reason for rejection along with the total number of documents rejected for that reason.

This is an explanation of how to view Approval Insight on Mekari Sign