How to Upload Documents from OneDrive and Google Drive on Mekari Sign

Article author
Zendesk Admin
  • Updated

On Mekari Sign, you can integrate Google Drive or OneDrive. This integration makes it easier for you to select files stored in Google Drive or OneDrive which can then be uploaded to Mekari Sign. Here are the steps.

Integration can only be done by one account per each cloud (OneDrive or Google Drive).

  1. On the Document menu, click the "Upload documents" button.

A. Google Drive integration

  1. Then click the “From cloud” button and select Google Drive.
  2. A pop-up will appear to log in to your OneDrive account, then select the email that you want to connect with Mekari Sign.
  3. You will see an information page like this and click “Continue”.
  4. Then you will go to the approval page regarding the access that will be shared with Mekari Sign, and click "Continue".
  5. Next, you will see the Google Drive page display, here you can choose which files will be uploaded to Mekari Sign.
  6. And click “Select” to start uploading.
  7. Then your file has been successfully uploaded to Mekari Sign.

B. OneDrive integration

  1. To integrate Mekari Sign with OneDrive, click the “From cloud” button and select OneDrive.
  2. A pop-up will appear to log in to your OneDrive account, then enter the registered email or telephone number and click "Next".
  3. Enter your OneDrive password and click “Sign in”.
  4. Next, you will see the OneDrive page display, here you can choose which files will be uploaded to Mekari Sign.
  5. And click “Select” to start uploading.
  6. Then your file has been successfully uploaded to Mekari Sign.


Next, you can learn the next steps to upload and submit documents here.

C. Remove Integration

If you want to integrate another (Google Drive/OneDrive) account, you need to first delete the integration you have done, here are the steps.

  1. Enter the Settings menu.
  2. And select the Integration tab.
  3. Next, click “Delete” on the integration you want to remove.
  4. A confirmation pop-up will appear and click "Delete".
  5. Then the account integration has been successfully deleted and you can integrate another Google Drive/OneDrive account.