Subscription Tab Overview

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Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

On the Subscription tab, you can view your subscription history as well as eSignature, document, and eKYC quota usage history. To view your subscription information, you can go to the Setting Menu, then select the Subscription tab.

Here is a brief explanation of the Subscription tab:

1. Subscription Tab View


No Button Name Explanation
1 Package type Show the plan information you are using as well as the time period of your plan. See here for package details on Mekari Sign.
2 eSignature quota Show the PSrE signature quota information, which you can use.Display the document quota information, which you can use.
3 Document quota Show the document quota information, which you can use.
4 eKYC quota

Show the eKYC quota information, which you can utilise.

eKYC is a process that must be done, if you want to use / provide a Certified Electronic Signature.

To top up your eKYC quota, you can contact our support team here. The top up process will take a maximum of 1x24 hours.

5 View quota history Click to view your eSignature, Document and eKYC quota usage history information.
6 Filter Use to filter the transactions you want to view, based on package, status and date.
7 Search Use the search field to search for specific transactions.
8 Transaction Table Contains detailed information on your subscription transactions.

2. View Quota History

To view your quota usage history, you can click "View quota history", located on the Subscription tab. On the Quota history page there is an eKYC tab, which displays details of the eKYC quota information used. eKYC itself is a mandatory process, if you want to use / provide a PSrE Certified Electronic Signature, so you as the document owner need to ensure that each Signer has gone through the eKYC verification process.

For information, each Signer only needs to do the eKYC verification process 1x per year. This can be done by the Signer themselves, if the Signer is invited as a signatory in the document by you (as the document owner), by topping up the eKYC quota for the Signer. For information, Signer cannot verify themselves without being invited to sign the document.

Every eKYC quota used by Signer, you can see the history of its use on this eKYC tab. It will show the information of the signed document, document owner, signer, eKYC status and the time the document was sent.

The following is an explanation of the eKYC status:
- Success: Signer's eKYC verification process is successful, and Signer can immediately sign all documents that require his signature.
- Verifying: eKYC verification process is still ongoing. The verification process takes approximately 1x24 hours.
- Failed: eKYC verification process failed.
- Not started: eKYC verification process has not started yet.
- Expired: eKYC has been successfully performed, but the digital certificate is no longer valid. For information, the validity period of a digital certificate is one year.