In Mekari Sign, you can download electronic signature and eMeterai usage reports from the Mekari Sign dashboard. Here are the steps:
- Enter the Document menu.
- Click "Export CSV" at the top of the document menu.
- You can set the time period and status of the document you want to download the usage report. Then click "Export CSV".
Here is the date filter display that you can choose.
Some of the time options that you can choose are:
- Today: documents created today
- Last 30 days: documents created in the last 30 days
- Last 3 months: documents created in the last 3 months
- Custom: documents created in the time period you have specified - The following is a report on the use of electronic signatures.
Column Explanation Document ID Document number Document Status The status of the document such as signed and sent Signing Status The status of the signature such as completed, in_progress, declined, or voided Sender Name Name of the document sender Sender Email Email of the document sender Created at Date of document creation Sent at Date the document was sent Completed at Date the document was signed Voided at Date of cancellation of document sending Void Reason Reason for cancellation of document Recipient Email Email of the document recipient Recipient Role The role of the document recipient such as needs to sign or receives a copy Name Name of the document recipient File Name Document name Email Subject Subject of email Number of eMeterai Number of eStamps used in the document Type of Meterai Type of document to which eMeterai is affixed Stamped at Date and time of eMeterai affixation Stamping Status Status of the eMeterai affixed Signature Type Type of signature used Number of eSignature Number of signatures affixed in the document