Things to Note in Using the User Management Feature on Mekari Sign

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Learning Center Mekari
  • Updated

In Mekari Sign, you can invite other users into your Company account, so you and your team can share document access easily. There are 3 accesses, namely as Owner, Admin and Member.

By inviting other users into your Company account, you allow document data, contacts and stamps from other user accounts that you invite to join your document data. But you don't need to worry, because access to data from documents will depend on the authority given, here's an explanation:

  Owner Admin Member
Number of accesses There is only one Can be more than one Can be more than one
Actions that can be taken

- Can transfer owner to another user (whose role is Admin)
- Invite other users
- Assign access (role) to other users
- Deactivate another user's access
- Delete another user's access
- View other users who are members of the Company
- View Mekari Sign package subscription details (in the Subscription menu)
- Set the document quota limit, PSrE signature, eMeterai and eKYC for each user
- View the remaining quota of documents, PSrE signatures, eMeterai and eKYC at the Company level (in the Manage Quota menu)
- View the remaining document quota, PSrE signature, eMeterai and eKYC at Personal level (in My Account menu, Quota Usage section)
- Purchase document quota and PSrE signature (included in Mekari Sign subscription package)
- Purchase eMeterai and eKYC quota
- Use eMeterai and eKYC quota
- View the usage history of document quota, PSrE signature, eMeterai and eKYC at Company level
- View history of document quota usage, PSrE signature, eMeterai and eKYC at Personal level

- Inviting other users
- Assign access to other users
- Disable another user's access
- Enable another user's access
- View other users who are members of the Company
- View Mekari Sign package subscription details (in the Subscription menu)
- Set the document quota limit, PSrE signature, eMeterai and eKYC for each user
- View the remaining quota of documents, PSrE signatures, eMeterai and eKYC at the Company level (in the Manage Quota menu)
- View the remaining document quota, PSrE signature, eMeterai and eKYC at Personal level (in My Account menu, Quota Usage section)
- Purchase eMeterai and eKYC quota
- Using eMeterai and eKYC quota
- View the usage history of document quota, PSrE signature, eMeterai and eKYC at Company level
- View document quota usage history, PSrE signature, eMeterai and eKYC at Personal level

- Melihat user lain yang tergabung dalam Company
- Melihat sisa kuota dokumen, tandatangan PSrE, eMeterai dan eKYC level Personal (di menu My Account bagian Quota Usage)
- Membeli kuota eMeterai dan eKYC
- Menggunakan kuota eMeterai dan eKYC
- Melihat riwayat penggunaan kuota dokumen, tandatangan PSrE, eMeterai dan eKYC level Personal

User authorization

- Can access all menus
- Can access detailed information of all documents

- Can access all menus
- Access detailed information of documents can be accessed, if the Admin is assigned as a signatory or copy recipient on the documents

- Can access all menus
- Access to detailed information of the document can be accessed, if the Member is assigned as a signatory or copy recipient on the document.

Explanation of how the Document, eMeterai and Contact menus look after you and your team (other users) have shared document access:

A. Document Menu View

In the Document Menu, all document lists and document folders can be viewed by all users. Owner can access all documents in detail, while Admin can only access documents in detail, if they have certain authority. Here is the explanation:

  Owner Admin
Have access to documents as a signatory (Need to sign) and recipient of a copy (Receives a copy)

- Dapat memberikan tanda tangan (apabila di assign sebagai signer)
- Dapat melakukan tindakan (move, delete, sign, void, download, resend, preview document)

- Can provide a signature (if assigned as signer)
- Can perform actions (move, delete, sign, void, download, resend, preview document)

Does not have access to documents as a signatory (Need to sign) and recipient of a copy (Receives a copy)

- Can access detailed information of all documents
- Can perform actions (move, delete void, download, resend, preview document)

- Can only view basic document information (Reference ID, date the document was created and sent, and document status)

If the document is still in draft form, whether the draft document has not been or has been deleted, it can only be accessed by the owner of the document itself (cannot be accessed by other users).

B. eMeterai Menu View

In the eMeterai Menu, information on the number of stamps incorporated and the number of stamps used will be displayed, as well as details of who used the stamp, the name of the document and the date the stamp was used.

C. Contact Menu View

In the Contact Menu, you will see a list of contacts that you have and a list of contacts from other users will be incorporated into your Sign account, here are the conditions:

Same name? Same email? Same phone number? Contacts made in the account
Will be merged into one contact name
x Will be saved as different contacts
x Will be saved as different contacts
x x Will be saved as different contacts
x Will be merged into one contact name
x x Will be saved as different contacts
x x Will be saved as different contacts